Land Stewardship

Trade position available with studio apartment housing - summer of fun and meaningful work

"In 2023, Tierra completed a renewed forest stewardship plan to help prioritize activities for protecting community members and facilities while also restoring the integrity of the forest by reducing fuel loads.”

The donkey shed receives new signage telling a little bit about what goes where on the property.

Store carbon in the soil - not the air

Check out the good work by RestoreChar introducing and helping spred the biochar word.

November rains correlated with the two Tierra hands returning to our continuing forest health fuel reduction efforts.

Walking drainages in the upper 40 in preparation for long term Forest Practice Application

We have a fledgling bio char project here at TIerra just written up in an industry November newsletter. Follow the Link

Certified Last Fall

We jumped in with both feet, starting around the new Tiera Village site with a lite commerci Fuel Reduction/Break work in other places. The initial how and why.

Our fuel reduction and thinning operations have produced a lot of woody debris.  What do we do with this stuff?